Best cool games for android free

Best cool games for android free
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Fun doesn’t have to require funding. Got an Android phone or tablet? Then these are the greatest action games in android… gratis! There are hundreds of fantstic games available for Android, and a lot of them are available for absolutely nothing. You can play best cool games for android free.

Best cool games for android free

Whether ad-supported or based on a (boo and indeed hiss) “freemium” model, these titles are free – and guaranteed to make your morning commute a little less painful. To help you find just the sort of thing you’re after, we’ve grouped the games into sections.

First up is racing games for android best, then sports, followed by platformers and endless runners, then shooters and strategy and word games, next up is puzzle and match games, and finally arcade games. Phew!

If you can’t find something you like in all that lot you must hate games. In which case, this is an odd article for you to be reading.

Cool games for android: RACING GAMES

Namco’s racer sits at the midpoint between Asphalt 8’s demented arcade larks and Real Racing’s overly earnest simulation leanings. Like its coin-op ancestors, though, Ridge Racer is still all about barreling along at insane speeds, and having fun — you just have to work at success a bit more than in Asphalt.

Cool games for android: RACING GAMES

Cool games for android: RACING GAMES

Here, driving like a total idiot will likely mean you’ll lose a race. Instead, you should only drive like a part-time maniac, slipstreaming the opposition, drifting through bends, and boosting past rivals. It looks great, sounds suitably meaty, controls really well, and even the IAP’s subdued enough that the game won’t constantly be doing wheelspins on your bank account.

Cool games for android: DATA WING

Calling Data Wing a racing cool games for android 2018 almost seems reductive once you’ve played it, but the basis of the game is speeding around circuits in a tiny triangular craft. It feels like Asteroids meets top-down racing as you battle inertia, scraping the edge of circuits for boost.

But there’s far more to Data Wing than time trials and multi-ship races: some levels head into puzzle-oriented adventure territory, with you fighting gravity and hunting down keys. And throughout, a dual-narrative plays out, telling the story of the mobile OS you’re a part of, and the real-life trials troubling your owner.


If you’re fed up of virtual d-pads and tilt controls in mobile racers, One Tap Rally requires only a single digit. In this top-down effort, you accelerate when pressing the screen, carefully timing everything so as to not collide with the track’s edge, because doing so robs you of speed.

As you belt along, you take on other player’s ghosts. Shave fractions of a second off of your time and you slowly move up the leaderboard, taking on increasingly skilled racers. In essence, it’s an online multiplayer take on slot racing, then, albeit with dinky cars on minimalist tracks, and no chance of your car flying off of the road and smashing to bits when hitting a wall.


In the 1980s, cars gleamed red, and everyone belted along multi-lane sunlit highways — oddly always in the same direction, while listening to cheesy rock music. At least if you were playing OutRun.

Cool games for android FINAL FREEWAY 2R

Cool games for android FINAL FREEWAY 2R

Final Freeway 2R is a modern take on Sega’s classic arcade racer. You get all the good bits — insane speeds, road forks, car flips on crashing — but also modern tilt controls and a pause button for when some idiot calls when you’re about to zoom away from a rival.

This is breezy no-nonsense fun of the kind that’ll smear a grin across your face (unless you’re dead inside); and if you can’t stand being a cheapskate, there’s a paid ad-free version for 79p.


Super Stickman Golf 3’s ancestor is the same Apple II Artillery game Angry Birds has at its core, but Noodlecake’s title is a lot more fun than catapulting birds around.

It’s a larger-than-life side-on mini-golf extravaganza, with you thwacking balls about giant forests, moon bases, and metal-clad courses with a suspiciously high deadly saw-blade and laser count. The single-player cool games for android tablets fun, but SSMG 3 really comes into its own in multiplayer, whether you’re taking the more sedate turn-by-turn route or ball-smacking at speed in the frenetic race mode.

Shadow Fight 3

The classic beat ’em up, in which a pair of rock-hard warriors thrash each other within an inch of their lives, isn’t one of the more popular types of mobile games but the Shadow Fight series has always stood out as one of the best examples of the genre on handheld devices.

Although previous iterations in the series featured battles between almost featureless black figures, Shadow Fight 3 brings all the action into the light, with great graphics and a variety of fighting styles, armor and weapons for your fighter to brutalize their enemies with.

You won’t get far with button-mashing in this game either, beating Shadow Fight 3 requires proper form and timing to succeed, especially if you resist the in-app purchases.

Pixel Dungeon

The various Pixel Dungeon titles are roguelike dungeon crawl games with primitive graphics (but great gameplay), that punish failure harshly, but were so easy to pick up and play again after every character death that I stopped worrying and learned to love restarting.

It’s a simple tap to control everything, and although the ‘basic’ Pixel Dungeon game by Watabou has unlockable character classes and tons of items to enjoy the game with, there are plenty of other addictive versions such as Shattered Pixel Dungeon, Pixel Dungeon Unleashed etc., that offer twists and different features based on the original.


Best cool games for android free
2 (40%) 1 vote

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