Rated 10 most bizarre evolution in pokemon games. The whole concept of “evolution” itself is a strange thing. However, there are still some weird evolution in the Pokémon world. Here are the 10 most singular evolutionary of them.
Rated 10 most bizarre evolution in pokemon games
Cubone becomes Marowak
Cubone is a Pokémon with a traumatic past – it lost her mother as a child, to compensate for the sadness she had worn on her mother’s skull, as a way of protecting her and believing that she was always by her side. But remember this is a actions games 3d Pokémon, that is, every Cubone has a mother. This is clearly not the proper way to remember your mother.

Cubone becomes Marowak
What’s more weird is when Cubone evolved into Marowak. Marowaks are simply Cubones of a larger size, but their mother’s skulls can not grow with evolution. This means that Marowak found a bigger skull of another dead Pokemon and replaced it with the old one.
Evolve into a completely different species
There are a lot of Pokémon evolving into a different form that looks different from the original, but with fish, this is more common. Carvanha A Pokemon-like fish with a piranha, evolving into Sharpedo, a Shark-like Pokémon. Or Magikarp and Feebas, the two fish look quite similar, Magikarp turns into a dragon – Gyrados, and Feebas becomes a giant eel called Milotic. There are many other examples that we can hardly tell.

Evolve into a completely different species
Evolution has many more facets
Let’s look at a specific example: Digletts as it evolves into Dugtrio, where each Diglett is a single entity. It’s like you crawl out of the cave with two of your friends. It sounds funny, right?

Evolution has many more facets
7. Voltorb evolved into an electrod
Basically, Electrode is just a larger version of the Voltorb, but the color of the upper and lower torso is interchangeable, as well as a mouth that was not previously available. How did Voltorb eat and breathe?

Voltorb evolved into an electrod
6. Geodude evolved into Graveler and became Golem
Evolution from Geodude to Graveler is not worth saying, just a stone becomes a larger stone, but the problem occurs when Graveler evolves into Golem. Golem is like a lizard trapped in a rock. How does a lump evolve into a living animal?

Geodude evolved into Graveler and became Golem
Evolution holds more things differently
In the evolutionary history of mankind, human development is associated with the use of increasingly complex instruments. However, it does not seem to be equivalent to holding a spoon. In the process of transforming from Kadabra into Alakazam, it holds another spoon on the other hand.

Evolution holds more things differently
Similarly, Timburr, a Pokemon carrying a log, evolves into Gurdurr with steel beams on his shoulders, but then “degenerates” into Conkeldurr with two stones. This is even against the usual theory of evolution.
Munna becomes Musharna
Munna and Mushrana look similar, the difference between them lies in that while Munna eats dreams, Musharna emits the dreams she eats through the fog radiating from her forehead. In other words, when Munna evolved, it pushed all the dreams that were eaten out through the hole in the forehead. This is purely a digestive process, but in a way that goes against the human.

Munna becomes Musharna
All Ghosts
Actually there are many scary things that have never been mentioned in Pokemon, but here we are talking specifically about Ghosts. They are dead souls that can not escape, but they are still in the human world for their own reasons. Evolution involves life and development, the dead are not. Is not it so strange that a dead soul can evolve? However, somehow they have done it. So the question is, what kind of Pokemon are they?

All Ghosts
Must die for evolution
Pokemon are powerful, they are powerful enough to constantly fight and face many dangers. And after all, the worst thing that can happen is just fainting after being hit by a strong attack. Throughout the series, the death of a Pokemon is rare. And even more so, the case of Snorunt, when a Pokemon actually dies to evolve into a new Pokémon.

Must die for evolution
Snorunt is an Ice-type Pokémon. It can evolve in the usual way to become Glalie, also an Ice-type Pokémon. But another possibility is that if you bring a Snorunt under the flames of Dawn Stone, it will “evolve” into Froslass. But Froslass is a Ghost, meaning that Snorunt died and became a Froslass. And, yes, you just killed a Pokemon to evolve it.
Evolution of head growth
Just listen to the song and you will find that the extra hands and feet are very strange. But we are talking about adding more. Think about what happens when a Dodo or a Deino evolves. The new born is self-conscious, and it is worse when it is understood that one has to share the body with another, that it is a slave to the children willing to push it. The war is not over, that life has written such scripts from the time they were not formed.

Evolution of head growth
If you are a Dodger, you are finished. If you are lucky you will become a HM slave and only have the mission of carrying your trainer flying around, even if you do not even have wings to fly. Bad case? You will be forgotten somewhere in the PC for the rest of your life.
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