Home » Game Tetris® Twist

How to play :

  • Use the mouse or touch the screen if you play on mobile to control the game.
  • Shapes called tetrads fall, one at a time, from the top of the playing field to the bottom. Tetrads are comprised of 4 squares arranged into 7 different patterns.
  • Player’s mission is to keep the blocks from piling up to the top of the playing field. To do that, the players have to move and rotate the tetrads as they fall, attempting to fit them together. After completely filling one horizontal line with colored squares, that line disappears and any filled squares above move down. If the player is unable to fill lines completely, the tetrads will stack up and eventually reach the top of the playing field. The game ends when a new tetrad that is placed at the top of the playing field is unable to drop at all due to the filled blocks.
Game Tetris® Twist
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